Wayfinding Signage | Civic Branding | Murals | Sculptures | Gateways

Why Choose Us?

We have developed a six step program that builds your downtown into a vibrant destination!

Wayfinding Signage

One of the unseen values of the wayfinding signage design process is the fact that it organizes the civic destinations and cultural features into one study. By combining this information we uncover the elements of style and cultural flavor of your city. During this study we will analyze architectural elements, materials, themes, existing plans to develop and appropriate wayfinding design for you signage system.


Our research and planning for your wayfinding program is done in the field. We drive and walk your streets to develop the best impressions you can make. We then record each destination and sign location using an interactive mapping platform that can also be adapted for future web based marketing, touch screen kiosks and apps.


By combining award winning expertise in Graphic Design, Industrial Desing and Architectural Styling, we help town planners and developers bring together the elements of style that create a sense of place and a memorable identity. We are always intentional in our design process and design each element as part of your overall plan.


When we combine your Branding and Wayfinding with relevant up to date murals your “Brand Story” comes to life! Our designers help you make memorable connections with visitors. Murals lead to place making opportunities. We have developed long lasting digital process that outlasts paint and costs 50% less.

Civic Branding

We are Branding experts. We research you history, study your downtown strengths and weaknesses, study present and furture plans to gain full understanding of your residents unique culture. Then we desing a brand that reflects not only who you are but who you should be.

Facade Improvement Workshops

Creating a vibrant downtown destination requires an obtainable vision that is equally shared by town staff, planners, building owners and shop keepers. Through a series of workshops, we introduce the new brand story and wayfinding programs. We show examples of how they, as stakeholders, can take advantage of the program to create a stronger identity, better facades, sinage and store windows for their business to increase sales.
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